
It Happened Here

USA Fact File

Footsteps of

Mottos, Slogans
and Nicknames


Noted Notables

Where are they from or What area are they associated with

Please select the first letter of the last name:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Akins, Claude - Actor

Ali, Muhammad - Boxer

Angelou, Maya - poetess

Armstrong, Anne - Politician

Armstrong, Neil - Astronaut

Armstrong, Louis - world famous jazzman

Atkins, Chet _ legendary guitar player

Autry, Gene - Actor, Singer, Businessman and Cowboy

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Bacon, Henry - Architect

Barker, Danny - legendary jazzman

Barkley, Charles - NBA Star

Barnum, P.T. - Circus Owner

Barrett, Ross - Athlete

Barrett, Sweet Emma - Great jazz pianist

Baugh, "Slingin" Sammy - Athlete

Bellamy, Francis - author of Pledge of Allegiance

Bernard, Al - composer, author, actor, recording artist

Blanchard, Terrance - jazz trumpet player

Blane, Ralph - Musician

Bly, Robert - Author

Bolton, Buddy - Probably the very first jazzman

Bonura, Zeke - one of the longest long-ball hitters of his era

Borden, Gail - inventor and manufacturer

Borgeld, Christy - Step-family advocate

Boyce, William D. - Boy Scout Founder

Boyington, Gregory (Pappy) - WWII Ace and pilot

Boyd, William - Actor (Hopalong Cassity)

Biondi, Matt - Olympic Gold medalist in swimming

Boone, Daniel - Frontiersman

Boyd, Johnny - Automobile racing driver

Brett, George - Athlete

Bromfield, Louis - Author

Bronson, Charles - Actor

Bronson, Titus - Local government leader

Brooks, Garth - Country Singer

Brown, Helen Gurley - Author

Brown, Jim Ed - Country Singer

Brown, John - Abolitionist

Bryan, William Jennings - Orator, Politician

Brubeck, Dave - Jazz Pianist & Musician

Buck, Pearl S.- author and humanitarian

Buffalo Bill Cody - Buffalo Hunter

Burbank, Luther - Horticulturist

Bush, George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush - Former US President and wife

Bush, George W. Bush and Laura Bush - US President and wife

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Canzoneri, Tony - Boxing champion

Capote, Truman - author

Carlisle, Kitty - singer, actress, and game show personality

Carter, Clarence - Pop Singer

Carter, Duane - Automobile racing driver

Carver, George Washington -Scientist (boyhood home)
Carver, George Washington - Scientist (birth and early years)

Cash, Johnny - Singer

Castle, Jeremy - Country Singer and Songwriter

Chapman, John - Horticulturist

Charles, Ray - Musician

Chase, Carol - Rock singer

Chesney, Kenny - Country Singer

Cleveland, Grover - Former US President

Clinton, William (Bill) Jefferson - Former US President (42nd)

Cody, William F. (Buffalo Bill) - Frontier Scout and Showman

Cole, Nat King- Singer

Compton, Stacy - Nascar Driver

Connick, Harry, Jr. - Grammy-winning jazz musician

Crockett, Davy - Frontier Politician

Crosby, Bing - Entertainer

Cruise, Tom - Actor

Curtiss, Glenn Hammond - Aviation Pioneer

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Davis, Jim cartoonist
Davis, Jim _ Cartoonist birthplace

Davis, Gail - Actress

DeAngelis, Robert - Author

Dean, James - Entertainer

DeMille, Cecil B. - Film Director

Dempsey, Jack - Pugilist

Densmore, Frances - Indian historian

Diddley, Bo Rhythm and Blues Singer

Diller, Phyllis - Comedienne

Dilling, Mildred _ Harpist

Domino, Antoine "Fats" - one of the founding fathers of rhythm and blues

Donley, Doug - Athlete

Douglas, Bobby - Athlete

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Earhart, Amelia - Aviator

Edeson, Robert - actor, early 20th century matinee idol

Edison, Thomas - Inventor

Edwards, Jimmy - Singer

Ehmann, Freda - Olive grower and processor

Eisenhower, Dwight D. - former US President and World War II General

Eisenhower, Mamie Doud - Wife of US President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Elder, Edgar - Automobile racing driver

Ellis, Jimmy - Singer

Ellison, Max - Poet

Erving, Julius - Professional Basketball player

Evans, Dale - Actress

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Farnsworth, Philo T. - Father of Television

Faulkner, William - Writer

Fisher, MFK - Writer

Fiske, Minnie Maddern - one of the most famous actresses of the early 1900s

Fitzgerald, F. Scott - Businessman

Forbes, Esther - Author

Ford, Frankie - Musician

Fountain, Pete - famous New Orleans clarinetist

Frost, Robert - Poet

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Garfield, James A. - Former USA President

Glenn, John - Astronaut, US Senator

Glick, George Washington - Former Governor

Goff, Norris - Actor

Gottschalk, Louis Moreau - widely acclaimed 19th century pianist

Graham, Dr. Archibald "Moonlight" - Physician

Grant, Bryan - Professional Basketball player

Grant, Ulysses S. - Former USA President

Grohl, Dave - Musician

Grove, Robert (Lefty) Moses - Baseball Player

Grundy, Alan - Composer

Gumbel, Bryant - host of NBC's "Today Show"

Guthrie, Woody - Folksinger

Gutierrez, Jose Angel - Founder of the La Raza Unida Political Party

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Haley, Bill - Musician

Hamilton, Elisabeth Friermood _ Author

Hampson, John - inventor of venetian blinds

Hanby, Benjamin - author and composer

Harding, Warren G. - Former USA President

Harmon, William - Basketball player

Harper, Tess - Actress

Harris, Joel Chandler - Folklore author

Harris, Roy _ Boxer

Harrison, William Henry _ US President

Harvey, Fred - Restaurateur

Havlicek, John - Athlete

Hayden, Ashley _ Olympian

Hemingway, Ernest - Writer

Henderson, Fletcher - Jazz Musician

Henley, Don _ Singer

Henry, John _ Railroad worker

Henry, Lou - wife of US President Herbert Hoover

Hill, Patty and Mildred - songwriters

Hilligas, Cliff - Founder of "Cliff's Notes, Inc."

Hirt, Al - renowned trumpet player

Hogan, Ben - golfer

Hoover, Herbert - 31st President of the United States

Horsford, Eben Norton - Chemist

Howe, Edgar Watson - Publisher

Humphrey, Hubert - Politician and former Vice President of the United States

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Iannelli, Alfonso - Sculptor

Ingalls, Charles - Farmer and Father of Laura Ingalls Wilder

Ingalls, John J. - Former Senator

Ingalls, Laura - Author

Ingalls, Laura - Author

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Jackson, Alan _ Country Singer

Jacobi, Otto R. - Artist

Jaggerz, the - Musicians

Jackson, Mahalia - one of the world's greatest gospel singers

Jefferson, Thomas - USA President, statesman, inventor

Jefferson, William - first African-American since Reconstruction to be elected to Congress and a member of the House Ways & Means Committee

Jobko, Bill - Athlete

Johnson, President Andrew - US President birthplace

Johnson, President Andrew - US President hometown

Johnson, Willie "Bunk" - jazz artist, cornet player

Jones, Casey - Train Engineer

Jones, Donald - Inventor

Jones, Gordon - Actor

Jones, Tommy Lee - Actor

Joplin, Scott - Musician, particularly for Ragtime

Judd, Walter - Awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom & Minnesota Congressman

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Kellogg, Dr. John Harvey - Cereal Inventor and physician

Kellogg, William Keith - Businessman

Key, Francis Scott - Poet, Lawyer

Kimbrough, Emily - author

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Ladd, Cheryl - Actress

Lamour, Dorothy - star of the famous "Road" movies with Bob Hope and Bing Crosby

L'Amour, Louis - Author

La Rocca, Nick - Founder of the Original Dixieland Jazz Band, the band that recorded the first jazz record.

Lascaux, Josef Delarose - inventor of cotton candy

La Vigne, Robert - Artist

Leachman Chloris,- Actress

Peggy Lee - Singer

Letterman, David - Talk show host

Lindburgh, Charles - Aviator

London, Jack - Writer

Louis, Joe - Boxer

Lowe, Edward - Inventor of "Kitty Litter"

Lucas, George - Film-maker

Lynn, Loretta - Country Singer

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Macy, Rowland Hussey - founder of Macy's Department Stores

Mancini, Henry - Musician and Composer

Marciano, Rocky - Boxer

Marshall, George C. - General

Martin, Dean - Actor and Entertainer

Martin, Mary - Actress

Mattea, Kathy - Country Singer

Mayer, Louis B. - Motion Picture Mogul

McGraw, Tim - Country Singer

McGuire, Don - Singer

McKinley, William _ former US President

McMurtry, Robby -  Artist and Author

Meiers, Jerald - author

Meinert, Dale - Athlete

Melloncamp, John - Musician

Metheny, Pat - Jazz Musician

Miller, Glenn - Musician & Band Leader

Montana, Bob - Archie Comic Strip Creator

Moody, Ann - Author

Moore, Grace - Opera Singer and actress

Morgan, William - Inventor of Vollyball

Morton, Jelly Roll - Famous jazz pianist

Motter, Earl - Automobile racing driver

Muhammad Ali

Murphy, Frank - Politician and Judge

Musial, Stan - Baseball Player

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Nelson, Ed - actor, starred in Peyton Place

Neville Brothers, the - Grammy-winning musical family

Nixon, Richard Milhouse - US President

Noone, Jimmy - great clarinetist of New Orleans jazz

Nation, Carrie - Temperance leader of the 1800's

Neely, Amy - 1998 Miss Tennessee

Nelson, Willie - Musician

Nicholson, John - Athlete

Niekro, Joe - Athlete

Niekro, Phil - Athlete

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Obama, Barak - 44th President Of The United States

O'Connor, Pat - racecar driver

Orbison, Roy - singer

Oslin, K.T. - singer

Ott, Mel - 1930s Major League baseball player, credited with more than 511 major-league home runs

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Paisley, Brad - Singer

Palance, Jack - Actor

Parnell, Mel - Boston Red Sox pitcher

Parsons, Herb - Sportsman

Peary, Robert Edwin - Explorer

Piazza, Marguerite - operatic soprano, featured in Your Show of Shows

Pitot, Genevieve - dance composer of the early Broadway musical theater

Pless, William M. - Author

Polk, James K. - 11th President of the United States

Pontalba, Baroness - built the first apartment house in the United States

Porter, Cole _ Musician and Composer

Post, Charles W. - Businessman

Post, Marjory Merriweather - Businesswoman and Philanthropist

Post, Wiley - famous aviator

Pound, Ezra - poet

Powell, Dick - Actor

Prima, Louis - Jazz Musician

Pulitzer, Joseph - Journalist

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Rankin, Nell - Opera Singer

Reagan, Ronald _ Former US President

Reed, Donna - Actress

Reeves, George - Actor

Reeves, Jim - Country Musician

Rhodes, Sonny - Blues Musician

Rickenbacker, Eddie - Aviator

Riley, James Whitcomb - Poet

Rilleaux, Norbert - famous African-American engineer and inventor

Ritter, Tex - Country Musician

Rivera, Tomas - Educator and former University of California Riverside president

Roberston, Steve - Astronaut

Roppolo, Leon - great "dixieland" clarinetist

Russell, Charlie - Artist

Ryan, Tom K. - cartoonist

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Sanders, Thomas S. - Financier

Schmidt, Willard - Athlete and Olympic Gold medalist-1936

Schultz, Charles - Cartoonist

Scopes, John T. - Educator

Shapley, Harlow - Astronomer

Shaw, Wilber - racecar driver

Shephard, Alan _ Astronaut

Shoemaker, Willie - Jockey

Simmons, Richard - T.V. exercise show host and nutritionist

Skelton, Red - Entertainer

Smith, Wilbanks - Athlete, Engineer

Spellman, Francis J. - Catholic Cardinal

Stanton, Edwin - lawyer and politician

Stater Brothers - Country Music Singers

Steinbeck, John - Author

Stone, Doug _ Country Singer

Stone, Nikki - Olympian

Stone, Willard -Sculptor

Sukovaty, Joe -Athlete and Coach

Swayze, John Cameron - Radio and Television Newscaster

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Taft, William Howard - 27th United States President

Tatum, Reese Goose - Athlete

Taylor, Zachary - 12th United States President

Tenille, Toni - Pop Singer

Thompson, Tommy - politician and former governor

Thornton, Willie Mae "Big Mama" - Blues Legend

Todd, A.M. - Businessman

Tompkins, Harry - Cowboy

Truman, Harry S. - birthplace of US President

Truman, Harry S. - Home town of US President

Trump, Donald J. - 45th President Of The United States

Truth, Sojourner - Human Rights Advocate

Twitty, Conway _ Country Singer

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Updike, John - author

Upjohn, William E. - Businessman

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VanDevanter, Willis _ Supreme Court Judge

Vukovich, Bill Sr. - Automobile racing driver

Vukovich, Bill Jr. - Automobile racing driver

Vukovich, Bill III - Automobile racing driver

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Wadlow, Robert Pershing _ Tallest Man

Walker, Harry "The Hat" - Major League Baseball Hall of Famer

Walker, T-Bone - singer

Walston, Ray - actor, star of "My Favorite Martian"

Walton, Sam - Businessman

Washington, George - USA President, general

Watson, Bill - Author

Wayne, John - Actor

Webster, Marie - Quilter

Welch, Buster - Cowboy

Welk, Lawrence - Musician

West, Jassamyn- Writer

Westnedge, Joseph B. - War hero

White, Edward Douglas - Chief Justice of U.S. Supreme Court

White, Ellen G. - Religious Leader

White, Nera - Women's Basketball Hall of Fame

White, Terry - Athlete

Whiting, Thomas - Inventor

Whitney, Eli Jr. - Inventor

Whittier, John Greenleaf - poet

Widner, Christopher - Athlete and Master Carpenter

Wilder, Almanzo and Laura Ingalls Wilder - Husband of Laura Ingalls and real character in "Little House on the Prairie" books

Wilkie, Wendell L. - Politician

Williams, Bert - African American composer of the '20s and '30s

Williams, Hank _ Famous Country Singer

Williams, Spencer - early 20th century song writer

Williamson, James - Blues Musician

Wilson, Woodrow - USA President

Wood, A Baldwin - engineer, inventor

Wright, Frank Lloyd - Architect

Wright, Wilber - Aeronautics

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Yearwood, Trisha - Singer

Young, Andrew - former U.N. Ambassador and Mayor of Atlanta

Young, Colonel Charles - US Military Officer

Younger, Cole - outlaw

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