'; echo 'Internal system error. Please click submit to continue. '; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; exit(1); } // Select the complete cityPage_management table record(row) of information for this city; for use later. $sql = "SELECT * FROM cityPage_management WHERE '$cityFilNam' = CityFileName"; $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql); $rowManage = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); //Fetch all of the data in selected rows(1 row, of the designated city, in this case) // select the complete city_page_section_data table record(row) of information for this city; for use later(below). $sql = "SELECT * FROM city_page_section_data WHERE '$cityFilNam' = CityFileName"; $result_Sec = mysqli_query($conn, $sql); $rowSecData = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_Sec); //Fetch all of the data in this row // select the complete city_page_section_data table record(row) of information for this city; for use later(below). $sql = "SELECT * FROM city_page_statistics WHERE '$cityFilNam' = CityFileName"; $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql); $rowStats = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); //Fetch all of the data in this row mysqli_close($conn); //close the database echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ' '.$rowManage["CityName"].' '.$rowManage["StateName"].' information and facts '; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ' '; echo ' '; //Section 2 contains the local styles echo ' '; //java script - timline part 1 //------------- //Section 3 contains the google syndication script which automatically inserts ads; and html head close tag; echo ' SIMILE Widgets | Timeline | Examples | The Life of Monet '; //Section 4 Intentionaly left blank //Section 5 contains the outer border html div start tag; left panel html div start tag; left panel html div end tag; // middle wrapper html div start tag; top ribbon html div start tag; top ribbon html code; top ribbon html div end tag; echo '
'; echo ' '; echo '
'; echo '
'; //Section 6 contains the two flags html div start tag; two flags code; and two flags html div end tag echo '
'; echo '

US Flag

'; //Section 7 contains the welcome to key to the city html div start tag; welcome to key to the city html code; and welcome to key to the city html div end tag; $county = null; if($rowManage["county"] != null){$county = $rowManage["county"].", ";} echo '
'; echo '

Welcome To KEY TO THE CITY's Page For

'; echo '
'; //Section 8 contains the statistics and facts html div start tag; statistics and facts html code; and statistics and facts html div end tag; // section 8 intentionally left blank // Section 8a Attractions echo '

Local Attractions

   Contribute '.$rowManage["CityName"].' Local Attractions Information

'; // Section introductory text. Unique for this city-page and this section(1). // $uName = $rowManage["CityName"]; $token = strtok($rowSecData["section1_note"], "``"); //even though this is the 1st citypage section it is numbered 2 in the php -code logic-. while ($token !== false)// this loop fetches each subRecord and sends it to the user browser. { if(strcasecmp($token,"uName") == 0) {$token = strtok("``"); echo $uName;} //This is a special case where the subRecord is the contents of a variable defined and populated above. echo $token; $token = strtok("``"); } // Comment that is common to all sections $token = strtok($rowSecData["section_comt"], "``"); while ($token !== false)// this loop fetches each sub Record and sends them to the user browser. { $breakFlg = 0; foreach($rowManage as $x => $x_value) { //This is a special case where the subRecord is the contents of a variable defined and populated above. if($x == $token){ echo $x_value; $token = strtok("``"); $breakFlg = 1; } if($breakFlg == 1){break;} } if($breakFlg == 0){ echo $token; $token = strtok("``"); } } echo '
'; //select and fetch the city-page section 8a data. // if (mysqli_num_rows($result_Sec) > 0) { //check to see if any section data was fetched from the database for this city. echo '

'; printf ("%s", $rowSecData["sec2Record"]); //even though this is the 1st citypage section it is numbered 2 in the php -code logic-. echo '

'; } else { //no section data was found in this cities section 8a. echo "Section Information missing "; } echo '
'.''; // echo '
Search for a different Key To The City page.
'; //Section 8b contains the Timeline sub section echo '

Report '.$rowManage["CityName"].' News Worthy Notes


'; //Section 8c contains the noted notables sub section echo '


   Contribute '.$rowManage["CityName"].' Noted Notables Information

'; // Section introductory text. Unique for this city-page and this section(3). // $uName = $rowManage["CityName"]; $token = strtok($rowSecData["section3_note"], "``"); //even though this is the 3rd citypage section it is numbered 1 in the php -code logic-. while ($token !== false)// this loop fetches each subRecord, and sends it to the user browser. { if(strcasecmp($token,"uName") == 0) {$token = strtok("``"); echo $uName;} //This is a special case where the subRecord is the contents of a variable defined and populated above. echo $token; $token = strtok("``"); } // Comment that is common to all sections $token = strtok($rowSecData["section_comt"], "``"); while ($token !== false)// this loop fetches each sub Record and sends them to the user browser. { $breakFlg = 0; foreach($rowManage as $x => $x_value) { //This is a special case where the subRecord is the contents of a variable defined and populated above. if($x == $token){ echo $x_value; $token = strtok("``"); $breakFlg = 1; } if($breakFlg == 1){break;} } if($breakFlg == 0){ echo $token; $token = strtok("``"); } } echo '
'; //select and fetch the city-page section 8a data. // if (mysqli_num_rows($result_Sec) > 0) { //check to see if any section data was fetched from the database for this city. echo '

'; printf ("%s", $rowSecData["sec1Record"]); //even though this is the 3rd citypage section it is numbered 1 in the php -code logic-. echo '

'; } else { //no section data was found in this cities section 8a. echo "Section Information missing "; } echo '
'.''; // echo '
Search for a different CITY on our history site.
'; //Section 8d contains community news sub section echo '

Comment On News Worthy Notes


'; // Section introductory text. Unique for this city-page and this section(4). // $uName = $rowManage["CityName"]; $token = strtok($rowSecData["section4_note"], "``"); while ($token !== false)// this loop fetches each subRecord, and sends it to the user browser. { if(strcasecmp($token,"uName") == 0) {$token = strtok("``"); echo $uName;} //This is a special case where the subRecord is the contents of a variable defined and populated above. echo $token; $token = strtok("``"); } // Comment that is common to all sections $token = strtok($rowSecData["section_comt"], "``"); while ($token !== false)// this loop fetches each sub Record and sends them to the user browser. { $breakFlg = 0; foreach($rowManage as $x => $x_value) { //This is a special case where the subRecord is the contents of a variable defined and populated above. if($x == $token){ echo $x_value; $token = strtok("``"); $breakFlg = 1; } if($breakFlg == 1){break;} } if($breakFlg == 0){ echo $token; $token = strtok("``"); } } echo '
'; //select and fetch the city-page section 8a data. // if (mysqli_num_rows($result_Sec) > 0) { //check to see if any section data was fetched from the database for this city. echo '

'; printf ("%s", $rowSecData["sec4Record"]); //This is the 4th citypage section and it is also numbered 4 in the php -code logic-. echo '

'; } else { //no section data was found in this cities section 8a. echo "Section Information missing "; } echo '
'.''; // echo '
Search for a different CITY on our history site.
'; //Section 8e contains organizations sub section //removed 23jun22 //Section 8f contains government sub section //removed 23jun22 //Section 8g contains schools sub section //removed 23jun22 echo '

   KEY TO THE CITY website has pages for over 23,000 towns and cities.   A large variety of material is published on many of the pages, such as: interesting facts, motto`s, interesting events, history, news, and more.    Each page contains information from a variety of sources including information donated by individuals who have visited 'Key To The City'.   In order to contribute information for a particular city, search for that city using one of the search boxes above, and then go to the page section of interest. At the top of each section is a link to a form that can be used.
   Some city pages are managed by an independent editor other than Key To The City.   These editors are responsible for the content of the city pages they are managing.   City pages that are not managed by an independent editor are managed by Key To The City and as such, Key To The City is the editor of those city pages.  Other Key To The City pages that are not 'city pages' are also the responsibility of Key To The City and Key To The City is the editor.
   For questions or comments regarding this '.$rowManage["CityName"].' '.$rowManage["StateName"].' City Page contact the editor at '.$rowManage["editorsEmail"].'.
   For questions or comments regarding the overall Key The City website contact the publisher at '.$rowManage["publisherEmail"].'.

'; /* echo '

Below is the contact information for '.$rowManage["CityName"].' '.$rowManage["StateName"].'(Be sure and include the name of the city in any correspondence.).:

' */ echo '

'; echo '